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Final payment for your selected puppy you have already made a deposit on and reserved.  When making the final payment only the option of Limited Registration will be given. For Full Registration you must make contact with us to be concidered for Full Registration.  Limited AKC Registration means they will come with an AKC Registration Certificate but will not be allowed to show or breed.  Full AKC Registration means they will come with an AKC Registration certificate and will have full breeding rights allowing offspring to be registered and are able to show in conformations shows.  Limited Registration is $1800 minus the $300 deposit, Full Registration is $2500 minus the $300 deposit.  To make a final payment click, "Add to Cart" and the final payment for the puppy you have previously selected will be added to your shopping cart for payment.  After this option is added to your cart click on the "view cart" buttom and you will be directed to the purchase page where you will make the payment with PayPal.   

Final Newfoundland Puppy Payment

  • By making a deposit/final payment, you are agreeing to the health contract located in the Info/Links tab.

Newfoundland Puppies in Wyoming, Newfoundland  Puppies in Colorado, Newfoundland Puppies in Nebraska, Newfoundland Puppies in Montana, Newfound Puppies in South Dakota, Newfoundland Breeders in Wyoming, Newfoundland Breeders in Colorado, Newfoundland Breeders in Montana, Newfoundland Breeders in Nebraska, Great Pyrenees Puppies in Wyoming, Great Pyrenees Puppies in Colorado, Great Pyrenees Puppies in Nebraska, Great Pyrenees Puppies in Montana, Newfound Puppies in South Dakota, Great Pyrenees Breeders in Wyoming, Great Pyrenees Breeders in Colorado, Great Pyrenees Breeders in Montana, Great Pyrenees Breeders in Nebraska
Photos are property of Hergert Family Farm
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